On 20 October 2014 07:45, Matthew Miller <mattdm@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 06:21:54AM -0700, James Patterson wrote:
> I'd like consistent behavior please.

When possible, that is ideal. But yum doesn't have a built-in privilege
escalation mechanism to do this.

> Typing yum install requires a password, so should be the behaviour for
> running a command that doesn't exist causing a package to be installed.

Only signed packages from system repositories can be installed.

So if I mistype 'rm' as rn or rb will lrzsz or rn be installed so that it does the wrong thing next time? Or is this only some commands? And beyond removing someone from the wheel group what is the way to turn this off? 

Stephen J Smoogen.