On Sat, Nov 27, 2021 at 6:42 PM Matthew Miller <mattdm@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On Sat, Nov 27, 2021 at 09:10:13AM -0500, Neal Gompa wrote:
> > IMO this is ugly and unfortunate.
> The design around sysusers expects a model where files are unpacked
> and *then* scripts are run. RPM doesn't work that way, which makes all
> of this fall apart. In the ideal case, we could generate preinstall
> scriptlets for this stuff from detected sysusers files on the fly, but
> there's currently no way to do that.

So.... not helping _currently_, but could we make rpm itself handle this in
a different way: stuff the systemd-sysusers files into metadata available
before anything is installed?

> A more practical way to work around this is to always subpackage out
> sysusers and use dependencies to guarantee that it's installed before
> the package itself is. This would require the systemd file trigger to

Ugggghhhhhh. That's practical but gross, unless there's some kind of
macro/automation for the subpackage.


Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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