Two weeks ago we had:

* 23000 spec files in Fedora (wow, nice round number :) )

* 29503 license tags in all spec files

* 18744 tags have not been converted to SPDX yet

* 7157 tags can be trivially converted using `license-fedora2spdx`

* Progress: 36% ░░░███████ 100%

ELN subset:

* 1987 out of 4704 packages are not converted yet

Today we have:

* 23030 spec files in Fedora (wow, nice round number :) )

* 29532 license tags in all spec files

* 18604 tags have not been converted to SPDX yet

* 7059 tags can be trivially converted using `license-fedora2spdx`

* Progress: 37% ░░░███████ 100%

ELN subset:

* 1907 out of 4567 packages are not converted yet

The list of packages needed to be converted is again here:

List by package maintainers is here

List of packages from ELN subset that needs to be converted:

New version of fedora-license-data has been released.

Legal docs and especially

was updated too.

I updated the progress in this spreadsheet:

New projection when we will be finished is 2024-08-19. Pure linear approximation.

If your package does not have neither git-log entry nor spec-changelog entry mentioning SPDX and you know your license tag matches SPDX formula, you can put your package on ignore list

Either pull-request or email to me is fine.

Why SPDX Hackfest edition? Because **today** we organize hackfest where we show you example of conversion and you will have opportunity to talk to us (both lawyers and engineers).

Note: this was rescheduled so you may find two dates there. The valid one is 2023-05-17

Do you hesitate how to proceed with the migration? Please follow

or attend SPDX office hours (see different thread in this mailing list)
