Hi everyone
TLDR; I had a working Wayland Gnome Desktop in f28. Not anymore with f29.

Yesterday, I "dnf upgrade" my f28 to f29 ... to find a black screen when I want to login to my Gnome session :(

The boot is OK till the gdm login screen, but when I enter my password, the screen turns black, and the keyboard is locked (non-responsive, Num Lock does not toggle, nor caps lock).
Then I don't know how to recover control, as no key binding is effective, no mouse, no screen :(I power off the machine)

I successfully launched the desktop using "startx" from my user account after booting with runlevel=3, so I think there is an issue with Wayland !

> lspci|grep "VGA"
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM206 [GeForce GTX 960] (rev a1)
I used to install the nvidia drivers, after each kernel upgrade. I did that, as usual using:
> ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-410.73.run

Where should I look to have more information about what's wrong with my system ?
Which component should I report on BZ ?
What additional info would be helpful for knowledgeable developers ?

Thanks for your help
Best regards
Alain V.