On Thu, Jan 31, 2019, 00:15 Joe Doss <joe@solidadmin.com wrote:
Hey Germano,

I have a working RPM that does not error out with Error! Could not locate dkms.conf file if you want to test it out before I push it to copr.


It is an issue with DKMS as I suspected. `%post` runs before the new package's `%preun` and the --rpm_safe_upgrade isn't working as it should. https://github.com/dell/dkms/issues/25#issuecomment-360275619. I followed this post's suggestion and moved from %post to %posttrans and this issue no longer happens. It feels hacky and I might spend some more time this weekend trying to find a better solution. ZFS worked around it with a bunch of bash https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/blob/master/rpm/generic/zfs-dkms.spec.in#L74-L102  so that might be what we try down the road.

On a related note, have you looked into using akmods instead of dkms? In m experience, it works much better, especially because it actually integrates with the packaging system (kernel modules are built as rpm packages and installed with dnf, whenever the kernel or the module itself is updated).


If anyone on the list has a better idea on how to work around this issue please let me know.
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