On Sun, Jul 8, 2018 at 2:47 PM Alexander Ploumistos <alex.ploumistos@gmail.com> wrote:

I submitted updated builds for scidavis and they failed in rawhide[0]
on x86_64 and i686 with the message:

src/main.cpp:160:5: error: 'int main(int, char**)' causes a section
type conflict with 'const QString operator+(const QString&, const

The update contained mostly fixes for python3.7. About a week ago, the
same code built fine in the f29-python side tag. On my part, the only
difference is that I substituted the patches with the same upstream
commits. Has anything else changed in the meantime?

This is the bug in annobin which is breaking many things.

-Igor Gnatenko