On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 4:14 PM Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I've been collecting data about the dependency graph of Rust packages
in Fedora for over a year now, and I would like to start the process
of removing some accumulated cruft. In particular, I've been keeping
track of which packages for *library* packages (i.e. they ship only
source code but no binaries) have been leaf packages.

List of Rust library-only packages, which no other package in Fedora
has depended on, for over a year (365 days+):

- rust-compiletest_rs
- rust-constant_time_eq
- rust-conv
- rust-counted-array
- rust-dbus-tokio
- rust-defmac
- rust-dialoguer

I was just recently thinking of packaging juliaup (https://github.com/JuliaLang/juliaup), and it has rust-dialoguer as a dependency, so if you can exclude it for now that would be great.

- rust-enumset
- rust-failure-tools
- rust-fake-simd
- rust-fbthrift_codegen_includer_proc_macro
- rust-fdlimit
- rust-hamcrest2
- rust-html2pango
- rust-imgref
- rust-ioctl-rs
- rust-lipsum
- rust-listenfd
- rust-loggerv
- rust-lzw
- rust-macro-attr
- rust-mdl
- rust-mktemp
- rust-mnt
- rust-newtype_derive
- rust-odds
- rust-osstrtools
- rust-parse_cfg
- rust-permutate
- rust-piper
- rust-podio
- rust-proc-quote-impl
- rust-process_path
- rust-progress-streams
- rust-protoc-rust
- rust-quickersort
- rust-rand_jitter
- rust-rand_os
- rust-read_input
- rust-relay
- rust-rustc_tools_util
- rust-rustdoc-stripper
- rust-rustfilt
- rust-safe-transmute
- rust-scoped-tls-hkt
- rust-serde-pickle
- rust-serial-core
- rust-sluice
- rust-smallstr
- rust-spinning_top
- rust-spmc
- rust-ssh-key-dir
- rust-stb_truetype
- rust-string_cache_shared
- rust-strings
- rust-sudo_plugin
- rust-sxd-document
- rust-synom
- rust-sysctl
- rust-tabwriter
- rust-take
- rust-timerfd
- rust-tower-test
- rust-tower-util
- rust-ucd-util
- rust-unic-ucd-category
- rust-url_serde
- rust-urlocator
- rust-utf8-ranges
- rust-watchman_client

Some of these packages are dependencies of things that will be worked
on at some point in the future (for example, packaging of GStreamer
plugins that are written in Rust), but others look very much like
accumulated cruft.

If you see a package on this list that you would like to keep for some
reason, please speak up, and I will exclude it from future dependency
graph analysis. Otherwise I will soon start retiring packages that
have been unused for over a year.

The packages that would be in the list above, but which I *know* will
get some use soon, are:

- rust-curve25519-dalek
- rust-gstreamer-audio
- rust-gstreamer-editing-services
- rust-gstreamer-player

I will probably start the cleanup process with packages for crates
that no longer have any dependent crates listed on the crates.io
registry (which is a good indicator that they are indeed obsolete),
and then continue with crates for which the longest amount of time has
passed since the last upstream release (which is "more than 5 years
ago" for some crates ...).

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