Dne 05. 02. 19 v 21:19 Kevin Fenzi napsal(a):
On 2/5/19 3:50 AM, Peter Robinson wrote:
There seems to be an issue with moving builds over. Everything seems to be stuck in f30-pending and not getting tagged with f30.
That'll be the signing queue
Yeah, it wasn't processing these correctly I'm afraid.

I did add the mass rebuild side tag to autosign, but it was a day or two
after it started so likely these are the ones before that.

The autosign machine also had some issues the last few days (it lost 3
disks in a row) and we did some reboots to replace things, etc.

In any case, I have a loop running telling robosign to sign and move all
those f30-pending ones. It's slowly processing them down. Sadly, I don't
think it will be done tonight, but we will see.

It does not look better, does it? What is the status please?


I'm also concerned that once the signing queue starts moving, it's going to tag older packages over the new builds that have happened in the mean time.
Yes, thats a danger... we will have to retag those on a case by case
basis. The script releng uses to merge side tags won't merge a build if
there is a newer one, so those should be fine, it's just if the mass
rebuild build was added and then also someone did another rawhide build.

If you notice any cases of that, file a releng ticket and we can get it
sorted out.


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