On 17 May 2017 4:35 pm, "Peter Robinson" <pbrobinson@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 3:48 PM, Matthew Miller
<mattdm@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 09:15:51AM +0100, James Hogarth wrote:
>> On 17 May 2017 at 08:46, Daniel P. Berrange <berrange@redhat.com> wrote:
>> > Converting apps from nettools to iproute is often non-trivial piece
>> > of work. As such isn't really something Fedora package maintainers
>> > should look to undertake as the risk of introducing regressions is
>> > non-negligible.  Bug reports really need to go the corresponding
>> > upstream communities to get anything done.
>> >
>> That's a sensible position and one I can respect. I do wonder how much
>> is upstream and how much is a result of packaging though, that itself
>> might be an interesting investigation.
> I think this might be something that rises to the level of a
> Change ("Officially Deprecate net-tools in Fedora"), and while working
> with upstreams is going to be necessary, I think having a Fedora
> tracker could be useful, if you're interested in putting in that
> effort.

Yes, there was already an effort to do this 6 years ago [1] which got
some of the way there. I don't think the package itself will go away
any time soon but it would be good to not need it in the core
distribution. For a while we actually managed to do that but it's
crept back in over time. I think a focus on getting things like
cloud-init, vpnc-script, pki-server and similar packages that ship in
core deliverables would be a good start.

>> At the very least it may be worth checking for upstream bugs, filing
>> them where they don't exist, and then filing a bugzilla (even with a
>> tracking bug perhaps? Is this something for FPC to discuss maybe?)
>> ticket linked to the upstream.
> Probably FESCo rather than FPC, unless we're going to ban depending on
> net-tools or something like that.

Yes, it would definitely be FESCo over FPC IMO

[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=687920

Well I'm ready to put my virtual money where my virtual mouth is :)

In the next couple of weeks I'll get the ticket and tracking bug in place with bugs on the relevant packages linked to it.

If FESCo think it needs a Change as well I'll get that in place.

We may not get all the way... But I think it'd be good to make a start and see just how far we can get.

It was pointed out to me off list that bridge-utils is in a similar situation... But I think it's best to focus on just net-tools first and then we can take the next step separately when ready.
