On Sun, 28 Apr 2024, 09:28 Julian Sikorski, <belegdol@gmail.com> wrote:

is there a general recommendation regarding keeping git release branches
separate vs merged? I have been keeping mine separate. Originally to
avoid release and changelog conflicts when cherry-picking, but I got
used to it and kept doing it after converting to %autorelase and
Recently one of my packages got it branches merged by a provenpackager
doing a deps rebuild. If there is no policy to merge, this is
disappointing as force-pushes as not allowed and branches once merged
cannot be unmerged. I know this is just a cosmetic issue, but choices
made by the primary maintainers should be respected IMO.

It's up to the maintainers, but it's also hard to determine what the maintainer's intentions are for those sorts of things, especially if you're scripting a rebuild across 100s of packages for a bump. 

As both a maintainer and a proven packagers I tend to just assume the person has the best intentions of the project in mind.

Best regards,
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