How about a middle ground, by splitting langpacks into several larger groups (roman-alphabet+arabic&persian+far-eastern?, asian+european?). This way we wouldn't have to constantly twiddle with new packages and keep the number of packages sane.


On 6/30/22 06:32, Jens-Ulrik Petersen wrote:
On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 2:27 AM Vitaly Zaitsev via devel <> wrote:
On 29/06/2022 19:00, Vipul Siddharth wrote:
> Firefox langpacks, which have been bundled in the Fedora firefox base
> package until now, will be moved to a firefox-langpacks subpackage.

+1. It might be better to split it even more: firefox-langpack-%{lang}
and depend on the system-wide language (just like spelling dictionaries).

Users will be able to install only the required locales.

Right, I am aware of that.

One problem is that the number of firefox langpacks changes somewhat over releases,
so Martin was hesitant to take this approach in the past.  Probably still applies.
So the proposed approach seems like a reasonable compromise and step forward.

(I have pondered if we could decide on a set of core firefox langpacks which are "guaranteed" to exist
and so hopefully could be safely subpackaged - but this makes the handling more complicated
and delicate - it would have to be done very carefully in langpacks.)


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