sorry for late answer I was on PTO,

David no longer works in Red HAt and he is not interested in maintaining those packages anymore.
Could you please set the main admin of initscripts to me? And I don't think we are interested in the rest of those packages.


út 7. 5. 2019 v 23:18 odesílatel Kevin Fenzi <kevin@scrye.com> napsal:
I'd like to appologize for the delay in this email.

The notices I get were being filtered and I didn't realize I wasn't
seeing them for a while. ;(

We've been told that the email addresses for these package maintainers
are no longer valid. I'm starting the unresponsive maintainer policy to
find out if they are still interested in maintaining their packages (and
if so, have them update their email addresses in FAS).

If they're not interested in maintaining or we can't locate them in 1
week, I'll have FESCo orphan the packages so that others can take them

If you have a way to contact these maintainers, please let them know
that we'd appreciate knowing what to do with their packages. Thanks!


        "dstat": "dkaspar",
        "initscripts": "dkaspar",
        "mtools": "dkaspar",
        "tcsh": "dkaspar",


        "redis": "flaper87",



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