On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:51 PM, Chris Adams <cmadams@hiwaay.net> wrote:
Once upon a time, Mark <markg85@gmail.com> said:
Web and/or mailing list votes, petitions, etc., are not in any way a
true representation of any user base, so don't count 5 whole votes as
"the users".

Sorry, but this is nonsens. If a lot of people (and it is almost a lot more than five) think that it is a good idea to switch to browser mode, what indeed it is, there should be a process of thinking as a result if might be smart to change. Saying that the form of the request as a voting is crap is useless. The current behavior is far away from modern design and should be changed quickly. If you like a different way of requesting features like this, make a proposal on how to do it or point to the correct location in the documentation but replies like this are only showing ignorance.

Regards, Thomas