On Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 7:49 AM Lukas Javorsky <ljavorsk@redhat.com> wrote:
The possible remediation for this FTBFS packages are:

Chromium -> Use bundled minizip library
Libdigidocpp -> Use bundled minizip library
OpenColorIO -> Don't upgrade minizip-ng to the new 4th version of API (stay with minizip-ng-3.10.0). Not preferred as we want to have the latest and greatest versions in Fedora.

I've also included this in the change proposal in the Impact section.

Most important are packages blender, krita, and usd which block the upgrade [1] of OpenColorIO to the new version which supports the new minizip API

As I mentioned in BZ, both krita and usd at least have PRs that fix building, but I did not test functionality. I haven't checked to see if they were merged upstream as of yet.

So really it's just Blender that's the hold up.
