
I'm in Colorado, but absolutely willing to travel to Ohio to help staff the booth... I don't know if there is budget for travel, but if there is, and there is no one closer who wants to help, let me know! :)

Geoff Marr
IRC: coremodule

On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 1:48 PM Ben Cotton <> wrote:
I proposed a Fedora BoF for Ohio LinuxFest[1], to be held 1–2 November
in Columbus, Ohio, USA. The BoF is accepted, and the organizers said
there is still expo space available.

I didn't get a reponse on the Ambassadors list when I asked if we'll
have a presence there, but I'll get us a Fedora booth if I can find at
least a few people willing to staff it. I'd like for us to connect
with some potential contributors, particularly in non-code areas in
addition to talking to existing Fedora contributors and users.

If you don't want to staff a booth, I hope if you're in the area
you'll stop by the BoF. I'll post it to the Events calendar[2] on
Fedocal once the schedule is published.


Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
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