On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 10:28 AM, Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr> wrote:
Good Morning Fedorans!

On Thursday, a new version of Bodhi was deployed that enabled Bodhi to
gate updates based on test results. You may notice a "Test Gating
Status" message in the right have side of the page.

One thing to know about this is that there is currently a confusing
issue where Bodhi will say that the tests have failed when the tests
haven't finished running[0]. We are working on solving that issue, but
for now you can just wait a while and it should report the result once
all the tests have finished.

There are three tests that must pass in order for updates to go to stable:

0. dist.depcheck - to make sure the update's dependencies are available.

Since I haven't seen anyone clarifying this, I'll clarify - the task is named dist.rpmdeplint, not dist.depcheck. I fixed the wiki as well.