The local module builds we have documented at the moment [1] should work if you have an access to the Fedora infrastructure (==internet connection) and your packages are in the Fedora dist-git.

I know that Merlin (merlinm) is working on tooling that allow you to do local module builds without relying on any external infrastructure, basically the way mock works with standalone packages today. He's submitted a talk to Flock [2] about it. I know that not everyone can attend, but he's probably a good person to talk to, and if his proposal gets accepted, there will be a recording. And the docs should get updated, too, when it's ready! So.. it's coming


On Sat, Jun 1, 2019 at 1:57 PM Jun Aruga <> wrote:
> However, I want to do it on my own
infrastructure and hence use the lower-level tooling such as
mbs-manager/mock and local git repos rather than fedpkg/koji/dist-git.

Sorry I missed your above message.

Maybe you can open the ticket at below repository's issue page.

fm-orchestrator repository is including module-build-service, and mbs-manager.

I remember "mbs-build local" command worked for the local build in late 2017.
But I could not find the command now.

Jun Aruga / He - His - Him
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Red Hat