Again, no one forces you or any other packager to use modularity
tooling right now.

As Fedora developer you have a choice to join the effort, bring your
input and use cases, try and test (and revert if it doesn't work) or
you can stay away from it and keep using same tools as before.

Well, noone forces you right now. That is an important thing to notice. Someone will force you to use it later.
And, by the way, some people were forced to use it, because they installed an application whose dependencies were
modularized, so they were force onto modularity without wishing for it.

I, personally, do not have anything against modularity except that it is forced upon us. 
My preference is that anybody could choose whether they want to go modular or stay ursine -
do I really want that much, when I want that Fedora is for everybody?


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