
It happens from time to time that yum is unable to remove packages when uninstall scriptlets fail. For experienced users, it is just a matter of doing rpm -e --noscripts, but casual users will likely end up with yum check complaining about duplicate packages etc. So
- Might the damage not be smaller if rpm just ignored preun scriplet failures?
- Could bodhi try installing and uninstalling the package as an autoqa step? I realize that scriptlet failures can be very dependent on the users environment, but at least simply typos which will fail all the time (like the one below) will get caught.

For instance, I've hit this now trying to uninstall kde-settings-kde. preun is
%{?systemd_preun:%system_preun kdm.service}
which is a typo and will always fail (notice the missing d in system_preun)
