May be Cdburn.exe available as a free download from
We might even bundle the whole thing as a installer (Wizard style) ?

On Feb 2, 2008 10:21 PM, Douglas McClendon <> wrote:
Luke Macken wrote:
> Hi!
> So, I wrote some code that will install a Fedora Live ISO onto a USB
> stick, in Windows.
> It automatically detects all removable drives, finds your ISO, extracts
> it to your USB key, tweaks the syslinux.cfg, and installs the
> bootloader.
> From a user perspective, using it is pretty simple:
> - download fedora
> - download and extract
> - drag fedora iso into directory
> - double click 'livecd-iso-to-usb.exe'
> - ...profit!
> It has worked great during all of my testing, and Jesse seemed to have
> good luck with it today, but we definitely need more people to try it
> out before we can start recommending it to users.
>     Documentation:
>     In action:
>     The binary:
>     The code: git clone
> Comments/suggestions/patches/flames ?

Very cool.  Thanks.

I remember a while back when I last used that other OS, that it was a
pain to do something as simple as burn an iso image to cdrom*.  If that
is still the case, and if there is an OSS solution to that, perhaps it
could all be bundled in the 'fedora burning tool for windows' package.
Just a thought...

* yes, most users will have some 3rd party solution they are familiar
with, but I still think it would be cool to not depend on such things.
