Hi all,

While working on getting Fedora Jam a bit more modernized for F33 (the backgrounds and themes haven't been touched since 2013!), I found that my predecessor (Brendan Jones) still has fedora-jam-kde-theme and fedora-jam-backgrounds. I think it's safe to say that since he abandoned Jam that these two packages are now orphaned.

I have already moved the sources of both packages to pagure since they were formerly on his fedorahosted page. Additionally, I have simplified both packages into separate sources (used to be one git source) so I believe it's safe to say the .sh files from both srpms can be dropped. I just now opened a PR, but it appears as though Brendan is the owner and would have to accept that PR. Unfortunately, I believe that's not going to happen as he was unresponsive with Ben Cotton's keepalive request for Jam, which is why I stepped-in.

With that, I'd li ke to adopt both of these packages. I understand that I still need to be sponsored into the packager group, and I still have 3 other packages undergoing review (all of which I have corrected per comments).

Thank you,
Erich Eickmeyer
Fedora Jam
Ubuntu Studio