On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Jon Ciesla <limburgher@gmail.com> wrote:

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Jeffrey Ollie <jeff@ocjtech.us> wrote:
On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 9:53 AM, Jon Ciesla <limburgher@gmail.com> wrote:
> Speaking as the new gramps maintainer, if the osm-gps-map Python bindings
> were built, I would be happy to test gramps with them and switch if they
> work.

It's my understanding that with gobject introspection that Python
bindings don't need to be "built", they are automatically generated at
runtime.  So all you need is the latest osm-gps-map installed...  I'm
not an expert in that area so I could be wrong though.

So, in theory, I could remove the Requires on python-osmgpsmap (and remove the package from the system) and run gramps and it works?

Of course, looking at the gramps code, it's already broken, it's importing the module incorrectly. . .

./plugins/lib/maps/osmgps.py:    from gi.repository import OsmGpsMap as osmgpsmap
./plugins/lib/maps/markerlayer.py:    from gi.repository import OsmGpsMap as osmgpsmap
./plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:from .osmgps import OsmGps
./plugins/lib/maps/constants.py:from gi.repository import OsmGpsMap as osmgpsmap
./grampsapp.py:            from gi.repository import OsmGpsMap as osmgpsmap


in your fear, seek only peace
in your fear, seek only love

-d. bowie

in your fear, seek only peace
in your fear, seek only love

-d. bowie