Hello, Josep.

19.04.2011 01:51, Josep Sanz wrote:
Hi Pavel.

I want to continue with packaging SaltOS to the Fedora distribution. Do you can help me with this task??? now, I have already done the package. You can download from the download section of saltos.net. and my asks are:

- In your email, you speak about the libraries and the needed requeriments to separate it from the core package???
Yes, I speak about it and have not still got answer on question. With bundled libraries you can't add your software in Fedora. It will bee stop issue on review stage.
- It's correct the package that I'm building???
It will be checked on review process by reviewer. And I sink I'll can do something of that. But if you want himself add it and maintain, you also must became sponsored maintainer first [1]. Unfortunately I can't help on it as I do not sponsor.
- How can I send this builded package to the fedora repos???
Follow [2]

Thanks in advance.


[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/HowToGetSponsored
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers
Josep Sanz Campderrós
The SaltOS & RhinOS projects

El 2010-12-01 08:50:38, Pavel Alexeev (aka Pahan-Hubbitus) escribió:

Hello, Josep.

I have looked at SaltOS and found it very nice on first glance. As in sphere of my interests CRM, ERP and groupware solutions I think I can look to it and help in packaging. But before we can start. In SaltOS distributive now bundled many libs and foreign software, what is strongly forbidden in Fedora - [1], [2]. Do you ready start work to separate them and use system versions?

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:No_Bundled_Libraries
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/Guidelines#Bundling_of_multiple_projects

30.11.2010 22:08, Josep Sanz пишет:

I send this email to inform you that we have released under GPL-3.0 two projects:

- SaltOS: is an ERP / CRM / Management Suite, ideal for freelancers and SMEs.

- RhinOS: is a solution to have a professional website, ideal for any web project.

You can find more information at http://www.ws3.es

I would like to suggest these programs (especially SaltOS) as tools to be included in the Fedora distribution. What do we do? Where do we contact?

We remain at your disposal for any clarification or suggestion.

Josep Sanz.

Josep Sanz (josep.sanz@ws3.es)