On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 7:55 AM, Michael Mraka <michael.mraka@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi developers, I'm trying to finish port of yum-utils scritps to DNF

Hi, thanks for working on this.

One request: when you get to debuginfo-install, can you please change it to not disable the debuginfo repository when it's done? Currently PackageKit leaves old debuginfo packages unchanged when it updates the packages they correspond to, which is annoying, and ABRT does not seem  to do so either, which is not fun for anyone. That's "by design" since debuginfo-install leaves the debuginfo repository disabled, and of course PackageKit isn't going to look for updates from a repo that's disabled.

An alternative would be to enable this repository by default. I guess it's currently disabled by default to make yum go faster, but that mostly makes sense for those who don't have any debuginfo installed.
