Hi Igor,

On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 4:33 PM Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Hello everyone,

0.27.x is released long time ago, but I never got time for updating it. It obviously involves SONAME change.

The good thing about this release is that it breaks only things in runtime and only one function changed signature (for building) which nobody uses anyway.

I'm going to update library as soon as I get time (possibly on this weekend if no all dependent packages build fine). I will handle all rebuilds myself, just sending a notice.

List of affected packages is below.
Maintainers by package:
R-git2r              qulogic
geany-plugins        dmaphy ohaessler pingou
ghc-bdcs-api         clumens
ghc-gi-ggit          dshea
git-evtag            ignatenkobrain walters
gitg                 ankursinha ignatenkobrain nacho pwalter
julia                nalimilan
kf5-ktexteditor      dvratil jgrulich rdieter than
libgit2-glib         ignatenkobrain kalev nacho pwalter
python-pygit2        pwalter
rubygem-rugged       ignatenkobrain ktdreyer tdawson
rust-exa             ignatenkobrain
rust-pretty-git-prompt ignatenkobrain ttomecek
subsurface           pingou

Packages by maintainer:
ankursinha gitg
clumens    ghc-bdcs-api
dmaphy     geany-plugins
dshea      ghc-gi-ggit
dvratil    kf5-ktexteditor
ignatenkobrain git-evtag gitg libgit2-glib rubygem-rugged rust-exa rust-pretty-git-prompt
jgrulich   kf5-ktexteditor
kalev      libgit2-glib
ktdreyer   rubygem-rugged
nacho      gitg libgit2-glib
nalimilan  julia
ohaessler  geany-plugins
pingou     geany-plugins subsurface
pwalter    gitg libgit2-glib python-pygit2
qulogic    R-git2r
rdieter    kf5-ktexteditor
tdawson    rubygem-rugged
than       kf5-ktexteditor
ttomecek   rust-pretty-git-prompt
walters    git-evtag

Thanks for your work. Just noticed that julia  hasn't been built succesfully (https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=19172) .  Seems to have failed with: "cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option '-mcet'"

This is currently an issue in Fedora Scientific building. What would be the path forward here?



-Igor Gnatenko

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