On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Matthew Garrett <mjg@redhat.com> wrote:
On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 01:26:58PM -0400, Paul Wouters wrote:

> Remember, opensource is about giving people a choice, not limiting people's
> choices.

You have many choices. The choices include:

*) Adding an xorg.conf fragment that re-enables zapping
*) Filing a bug against the server and, through rational argument,
convincing the upstream maintainers to revert this
*) The above, but for the Fedora maintainers
*) Using a locally patched package
*) Forking the entirity of Fedora
*) Describing the use cases that require hitting ctrl+alt+backspace and
coming up with fixes that don't involve killing the entire user session
*) Switching to Windows
*) Switching to MacOS
*) Becoming a hermit and not touching a computer ever again

And dozens more. Changing a boolean default does not limit choice. The
only change is that you now have the choice of enabling zapping rather
than the choice of disabling it.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59@srcf.ucam.org

This reply is ludicrous.  Might as well ship F12 without Gnome, you can simply install it if you want......

The point is, a few protested and got the change submitted.  Never mind the thousands that still want it.

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