I could help with the elementary stuff, but I don't think I can take over fully.

If anyone can help me maintain that'd be great. 

On Sun, 2 May, 2021, 12:59 pm Johannes Lips, <johannes.lips@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

after quite some years, I would like to hand over the following packages to new maintainers. I will not orphan them if no one picks them up, but it would be great if someone with an interest in these packages could take them over.

backintime - backintime backup tool
elementary-icon-theme - Icons from the Elementary Project
elementary-xfce-icon-theme - Icons for Xfce based on the elementary Project Icon Theme
texstudio - A feature-rich editor for LaTeX documents

I am still using these, but the burden of doing package maintenance besides my day job and personal stuff is too high.

Thanks in advance for any volunteers

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