Hi Fedora friends!

In case you missed it, the Fedora Project has granted some funding for a Hatch event in Cork, Ireland on Wednesday July 13th & Thursday July 14th 2022 - very exciting! For more details on how to attend, some terms and conditions and what the mini-conference is about, check out the mail that hit the announce list yesterday here https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/announce@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/YWJJ5FOUZCTL3AARGXDHNRRRA4GN2UJQ/?sort=date

Feel free to reach out to me too if you have any other questions and it would be great to see some Fedora-faces in person in Cork next month!

Kindest regards,


Aoife Moloney

Product Owner

Community Platform Engineering Team

Red Hat EMEA

Communications House

Cork Road
