Two weeks ago we had:

* 23060 spec files in Fedora

* 29563 license tags in all spec files

* 18398 tags have not been converted to SPDX yet

* 6955 tags can be trivially converted using `license-fedora2spdx`

* Progress: 37.8% ░░░███████ 100%

Today we have:

* 23004 spec files in Fedora

* 29461 license tags in all spec files

* 17975 tags have not been converted to SPDX yet

* 6743 tags can be trivially converted using `license-fedora2spdx`

* Progress: 38.99% ░░░███████ 100%

ELN subset:

* 1294 out of 3352 packages are not converted yet

The list of packages needed to be converted is again here:

List by package maintainers is here

List of packages from ELN subset that needs to be converted:

New version of fedora-license-data has been released.

Legal docs and especially

was updated too.

I updated the progress the spreadsheet with Burndown chart:

New projection when we will be finished is 2024-09-28. Pure linear approximation.

If your package does not have neither git-log entry nor spec-changelog entry mentioning SPDX and you know your license tag matches SPDX formula, you can put your package on ignore list

Either pull-request or direct email to me is fine.

Why SPDX DevConf edition? Because this week will be It is packed will lots of interresting talks and workshops. If you cannot attend in person you can check recordings later

Do you hesitate how to proceed with the migration? Please follow
