There was a time when IBM had a popular PC but no popular OS.
Now IBM has a popular OS but no popular PC.
Just an observation.


On Tue, Jun 27, 2023 at 10:24 PM Frank Ch. Eigler <> wrote:

Jeff Law <> writes:

> [...]
> First a bit of background.  I came to Red Hat via the Cygnus
> acquisition.  [...]
> One could see signs of where this was going with the adjustments that
> were made to the exposed RHEL kernel sources some time ago.  Then the
> dissolution of CentOS a couple years back and most recently with the
> lockdown of the RHEL sources.
> What Red Hat has done may be technically legal and perhaps good for
> its business.  However, to me it's ethically unconscionable.   [...]

Could you elaborate how you see RH's new policy w.r.t. RHEL sources
being different from Cygnus's policy w.r.t. GnuPro sources?

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