
Today I found Fedora Specific RPM packages for ClipGrab, a GUI tool for Downloading
Youtube Videos. The thing is, the binary file that the original developers give away 
for general linux use didn't work for me and I wasn't able to compile it by source, 
so I went to RPMFind but didn't found anything... Searching in the web, I found a repo 
of an OpenSUSE user that made Fedora RPM Packages for this app and I tested
the 64 bit one in my F15 system, worked great.

Uploaded the 32 & 64 Bit RPM's to my CDN and also the SRC.RPM:

32 Bits: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/xenodecdn/clipgrab-

64 Bits: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/xenodecdn/clipgrab-

src.rpm: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/xenodecdn/clipgrab-

I'm posting this here in case someone is interested in pushing this RPM's into 
RPMFusion or something like that, the repo where I found them is this one:


And if you want some more information about ClipGrab:


Have a Nice Day.

Manuel Escudero
Linux User #509052
Twitter: @Jmlevick
Blogger: Blog Xenode
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