On Fri, May 27, 2022 at 12:15 PM Robert Marcano via devel <devel@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On 5/27/22 12:52 PM, Brian C. Lane wrote:
> On Fri, May 27, 2022 at 09:38:43AM -0400, Stephen Snow wrote:
>> On Wed, 2022-05-25 at 14:02 -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
>>> The rescue mode has always been on the traditional installer images,
>>> not the lives. It's still there.
>> Unfortunately there is no rescue option on the Fedora Linux Workstation
>> installer just the Server and the Everything.
>> Is this a part of Anaconda or a different package in Fedora Linux?
> Rescue is an Anaconda feature:
> https://github.com/rhinstaller/anaconda/blob/master/pyanaconda/rescue.py
> https://github.com/rhinstaller/anaconda/blob/master/docs/rescue.rst
> It is not supported on live media since most of the steps just don't
> make sense -- live already sets up the network and you should be able to
> use the regular desktop tools to mount your existing partitions.
> https://github.com/rhinstaller/anaconda/blob/master/data/liveinst/liveinst#L93

True, but the Live image needs something like a command like
"fedora-prepare-rescue-image" or something like that that just do what
the Fedora rescue option do and mount what it can find on /mnt/sysimage.

The steps to mount a complete /mnt/sysimage are a more than a few and it
could help a lot not needing to type many things that an untrained
person could make a big mistake.

+1000 from me. I always have to google how to bind mount everything (dev, sys, proc) but that can easily be automated and should be.

Assuming the root partition contains /etc/fstab, a script should be able to handle this easily and abstract "everyday" users from the complexity.
