On Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 11:37 AM Ian McInerney <Ian.S.McInerney@ieee.org> wrote:
On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 10:39 AM Zamir SUN <zsun@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

I'm updating the whole LXQt desktop to 1.0.0 in rawhide, and I've built
the packages in the side tag f36-build-side-49104.

Did you run the build for lxqt-wallet? I see that there is a commit in distgit that bumps the version to 1.0.0, but I can't find an associated build in Koji for that version. I actually think that commit to lxqt-wallet needs to be reverted though, and instead just a rebuild for lxqt-wallet is needed. The upstream release still has version 3.2.2 as its most recent version (which is the current version we package), and does not appear to follow the standard lxqt release schedule/versioning system.

I have reverted this commit in rawhide now, so lxqt-wallet is back to version 3.2.2.

The following package
contains library with a soname bump

liblxqt (liblxqt.so.1)
liblxqt-globalkeys (liblxqt-globalkeys.so.1,liblxqt-globalkeys-ui.so.1)

I hope I did not miss anything. IIRC there are no packages outside of
the LXQt SIG depends on those, but I'd like to still make people aware
of the change and possible other packages I missed.

I'll merge the side tag by the last day of the year.


Zamir SUN
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