Dne 08. 09. 21 v 15:23 Petr Pisar napsal(a):
V Wed, Sep 08, 2021 at 09:01:42AM -0400, Simo Sorce napsal(a):
If I try to do this I get an error:
# grub2-editenv - set menu_auto_hide=1
grub2-editenv: error: environment block too small.

What the issue here ?
Perhaps /boot/grub2/grubenv is corrupted and grub2-editenv is not very good at
reporting errors. This happens when the file was accidentally truncated. Does
it have 1024-byte size?

If it does not, back up the file and reinitilize it with
"grub2-editenv - create"

Why it does not contain the `menu_auto_hide=1` by default when running this command?? :/


 and then insert the original values with
"grub2-editenv - set ...". If you don't have UEFI system, you will need to
reistall grub in MBR to locate the new file's position on a block device and
write the position into the newly installed loader.

-- Petr

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