On 06/19/2011 10:25 PM, Matthew Garrett wrote:
On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 07:09:14PM -0400, Steve Clark wrote:

   Aaron, haven't you figured it out yet? As far as Lennart is concerned it
   is his way or the highway!

   My $.02 after following all the threads about sysemd/ctl.

This is a technical mailing list and this kind of response is 
unproductive. If you have significant technical issues with the design 
of systemd then take them up in the appropriate way. Belittling 
contributors because of perceived notions of their behaviour is 

(For what it's worth, I've never had any trouble getting a useful 
response from Lennart when I've raised a technical issue with him)

That is the issue. In every discussion I have seen Lennart and all his supporters say well if you don't like it
use something else. Show me on example where it has been otherwise in the last month on this mailing list.

Stephen Clark
Sr. Software Engineer III
Phone: 813-579-3200
Fax: 813-882-0209
Email: steve.clark@netwolves.com