On 16 October 2014 15:14, Richard Hughes <hughsient@gmail.com> wrote:
If you maintain a font in Fedora, or are a provenpackager, I could
really need your help this weekend. Basically, we want to implement
AppStream metadata[1] for all the fonts we want to show in the
software center. I've already made a good start, and now other people
are starting to help as well, so I'm pretty sure we can get the
majority finished for next week when we can submit a mega-update of
updated fonts.

I've started a shared spreadsheet here:
with what needs doing -- if you can help, please put your FAS name in
the second column and get building. If any fonts are missing that you
think belong in the software center please feel free to add them.

It's really easy to add content for fonts. This is an example with
multiple subpackages:
and fonts with only one package are even easier, e.g.

Thanks for templates :)

Will be very helpful if you can add "how to test" information as well. i.e. after local install package will appear in gnome-software something in bit detail.

Pravin Satpute