
Usually for Rawhide updates CLOSED RAWHIDE + add NVR into `fixed in version`
if only Rawhide fixes that bug (e.g., a new software version), that should be enough.

But it seems auto updates can take care of the tickets if you specify the bugs via the `Resolves: rhbz#1234` references as noted by Vít.

A webpage… Depends what you plan on doing, I use this if I am unsure in the bug status workflow: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/package-maintainers/bug_status/


On 8/26/22 16:28, Ron Olson wrote:
Thanks for the info, I did just that. Do you or anyone knows if there is a webpage that describes how to handle Rawhide updates specifically? I haven’t found anything useful about what to do in this particular situation.


On 26 Aug 2022, at 9:04, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 26/08/2022 14:48, Ron Olson wrote:

https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2114563 was reported against Swift on Rawhide. I fixed the issue and responded on 8/4 that the Koji build was successful, but I got two additional, presumably automated, notes from Ben Cotton and Miro that suggest something else needs to be done. Since this is/was a rawhide build there’s nothing to “fedpkg update” as I recall, so I guess what I’m asking is what should I do to make it clear that Swift is working for Rawhide/F37? I admit I’ve always been kind-of unsure how Rawhide works insofar as I’ve never submitted a “formal update” to it (i.e. the aforementioned “fedpkg update” command).
Well it was reported before branching and you fixed it but
didn't actually close it so it looks like it is still an active
bug and hence got automatically moved to F37 and added as a
blocker to the FTBFS bug.

If it was fixed before branching, as appears to be the case then
the fix is in F37 now so you can just close it NEXTRELEASE.


Tom Hughes (tom@compton.nu)
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