I usually install either from the default desktop Live media or the network install, depending on what I'm doing. The advantages to the net install are

1. The image fits on damn near anything. I think it's too big for one of those 220 MB mini-CDs now but a 512 MB USB stick or a regular CD is fine.
2. You get to pick the desktop and the packages, including stuff that's not on the DVD.
3. If you're in the middle of an N-month release cycle, you don't have an extra huge package download for updates - you get the latest when you're done.

I could live perfectly well without the DVD. Maybe we should take a leaf from the Ubuntu folks and ship a CD-sized server installer.

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 6:32 AM, Jaroslav Reznik <jreznik@redhat.com> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
> On 05/01/2013 06:37 PM, Pádraig Brady wrote:
> > Why are we tied to DVD-5, 4.7GB (4.3GiB) at all?
> > Do we distribute DVDs?
> Yes.  Check with Fedora Ambassadors in EMEA.

No. For Fedora 18, we did not have installation DVD media
produced. One reason was missing Secure Boot support, another
was - Multi Live DVD is more convenient to try Fedora. Only
a few people asks for DVD for some reasons and we shipped
installation DVDs to countries with limited internet access
as DVD with bunch of software is pretty handy there. But
nobody complaint after we start shipping Live DVDs only
(probably it's also because of lifted CD size limitation -
it now includes everything for daily use).

But it leads to the question - how many people still prefer
Installation DVDs? That "default" offering to download is
Desktop Live spin now, KDE SIG officially supports KDE spin
for installation... As EMEA Ambassadors, we distribute Multi
Live DVDs only now.


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