On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 14:37, Dimi Paun <dimi@lattica.com> wrote:
Another update today, another significant breakage.

My Eclipse stopped working.

I have my private version of Eclipse (non-native, so it was not
affected by the update), and I'm running java 1.6.0_04-b12 from Sun,
so again that was not affected by the update.

Problem is that now Eclipse refuses to start by displaying a
completely empty dialog (right at the end of the loading

I've been running this combination of Sun's Java + Eclipse
for some time without a problem.

I'm trying to figure out what changed, and the only things
that seem relevant are:

May 07 13:54:25 Installed: kernel-
May 08 14:55:16 Updated: libgcc-4.4.0-4.i586
May 08 14:55:17 Updated: libstdc++-4.4.0-4.i586

Here is the full list of updates since the last reboot:

Are you starting eclipse with a brand new workspace? If so the empty dialog problem has been around for a long time. I think it is actually due to a gtk update. An empty workspace displays the big-buttoned welcome screen, which is what I think is having problems. The workaround for me is to copy an existing workspace, then delete everything to get an empty workspace.

I haven't seen a fix for the problem yet. I'm using Eclipse 3.4 with newest Sun java and a completely updated rawhide.

If it is happening on an existing workspace then I haven't seen that one yet (though I guess if you operate from the big-button welcome/task screen) I can see it happening all the time.
