On Sat, Oct 26, 2019, 19:07 Gerald Henriksen <ghenriks@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, 26 Oct 2019 15:59:27 +0200, you wrote:

>On Sat, Oct 26, 2019 at 03:53:28PM +0200, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>> any package can switch to jdk11, but sysem jdk should be jdk8, at least for some more time...
>  Any reasons?  Defaulting to ancient software conflicts with our “First” foundation.

Simple reason - while Oracle decided to move Java to a faster, time
based release cycle the Java community essentially shrugged the
proverbial shoulders and ignored Oracle.

Much of the Java ecosystem is still only supported on Java 8, and if
you go to adoptopenjdk.net the default choice remains Java 8.

Hadoop, Tomcat, etc. all still are only supported by their communities
on Java 8.

So while it might be noble for Fedora to try and force the issue, the
likely result is that users needing Java will simply use a different
distribution while Fedora will get a bad repuation in the Java

You are aware that OpenJDK 11 is the default even on Debian stable now, right? Other than RHEL, most mainstream distros ship 11 as default now, AFAIK. So fedora really is the odd one out here