
I'm trying to track down a build error in my package that appears only on ppc64le architectures in Rawhide. As I have no access to ppc64le machines, I'm attempting to boot a VM with qemu. But when I get into the system many of the more useful commands aren't working properly. Like "dnf".

My qemu boot command is currently:
qemu-system-ppc64 -m 2048 -smp 2 -machine pseries -cpu power9 -hda <qcow2 image from download server> -cdrom <cloud-init image>

I can login to the system, run some basic commands such as "cat", "ls", "cd", etc. However, running slightly more intense commands like "dnf" and "df" result in errors like this:
"Illegal instruction (4) at 7fffb3a018e0 nip 7fffb3a018e0 lr 7fffb3a03f2c code 1 in libc-2.30.so[7fffb39b0000+1f0000]"

I'm not sure if this is a bug in Rawhide or if it is a bug in how I'm launching the VM. Google has come up dry on further info than where I currently am in both regards.

Thanks - Greg