
I have a package that needs procps. While building it in EPEL, i stepped onto a packaging problem [1] in the RHEL 6 package.

I've opened the bug, but nobody is looking at it and (my guess) it will be probably fixed for RHEL 6.5. Note that the bug has been tagged as "EasyFix"-

The workaround for the problem would be as follows:

%if 0%{?rhel} == 6
BuildRequires:          procps
BuildRequires:          procps-devel

I suppose there's no "provenpackager" group in RHEL, so what should I do in this case? Build the package with a workaround in place until the bug is fixed or wait on building the package at all?


[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=950748

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