On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 10:25, Horst H. von Brand <vonbrand@inf.utfsm.cl> wrote:
While updating via yum from a gnome-terminal today, Gnome went down (the
gnome-terminals and firefox died, a window flashed (i.e., started and

I went to ctrl-alt-F2, and logged in.  No yum process anymore, so I
rebooted.  The GDM greeter showed up, but loging in hung the machine.
Rebooted into runlevel 3, had to "package-cleanup --cleandupes" before
restarting "yum update", then the update went through.

Will have to see if graphical login works now, currently in a Gnome session
started by startx.

The flashing window and firefox death happen pretty consistently when fonts are updated.
