
I am trying to put weston in a docker container.  I have run into some issues and have been able to solve them with some trial and error and research.  But, I have hit an error when trying to start weston that there are no other warning that I can see and I am not sure what else to do.  Here is what I got:

[brianclark@localhost weston]$ cat Dockerfile
FROM registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:rawhide

LABEL MAINTAINER "Brian Clark" <bsclark75@gmail.com>


LABEL BZComponent="$NAME" \
        Name="$FGC/$NAME" \
        Version="$VERSION" \
        Release="$RELEASE.$DISTTAG" \

RUN dnf -y install libunwind libinpu wayland mesa wayland-protocols weston wayland-ivi-extension

[brianclark@localhost weston]$ docker run --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -ti weston
[root@d4895acb1694 /]# weston
Date: 2018-09-28 UTC
[02:04:21.902] weston 5.0.0
               Bug reports to: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/weston/issues/
               Build: unknown (not built from git or tarball)
[02:04:21.921] Command line: weston
[02:04:21.921] OS: Linux, 4.18.8-200.fc28.x86_64, #1 SMP Sun Sep 16 18:15:41 UTC 2018, x86_64
[02:04:21.921] warning: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR "/run/user/XDG" is not configured
correctly.  Unix access mode must be 0700 (current mode is 755),
and must be owned by the user (current owner is UID 0).
Refer to your distribution on how to get it, or
on how to implement it.
[02:04:21.921] Starting with no config file.
[02:04:21.921] Output repaint window is 7 ms maximum.
[02:04:21.928] Loading module '/usr/lib64/libweston-5/x11-backend.so'
[02:04:22.373] fatal: failed to create compositor backend
[root@d4895acb1694 /]#

If this is a bug I will be happy to file it on bugzilla and/or email the devel list.

Thank you for your help in advance.