I have made a simple package that I think would be suitable for
fedora-extras/pre-extras - but I would like some feedback frrom the list.

The spec file is located at
 - I have based this on the existing firmware packages from dag, and a
couple of spec files for fedora that I found.

Notes about the package: I've not included the firmware loader (atmel_fwl)
 - as this would force me to create i386 packages and the like, but by
packaging the firmware alone, the package can be a noarch. I've not needed
 to use the firmware loader once in all my testing, hotplug works just fine.

By installing the rpm, my belkin 802.11b wireless card works first time,
loading the firmware from /lib/firmware

The firmware is freely re-distributable (see COPYING)

Simon Kelley http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/atmel (original packager) has no
problems with a fedora rpm, as debian and slackware already package the
firmware themselves.


Richard Hughes

url: http://hughsie.no-ip.com/linux/atmel-firmware/