On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 9:11 PM, Alain Portal <alain.portal@free.fr> wrote:
Le mardi 09 février 2010 21:40:04, Till Maas a écrit :
> On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 09:06:47PM +0100, Alain Portal wrote:
> > The last available version of libplist is 0.13-2.
> > I get the last libplist spec file which say that libplist should be 1.2-1
> > versioned.
> > Where is the problem?
> You probably need to wait a little more, afaics the builds are only 5
> days old, so maybe the package maintainer did not get to create an
> update, yet.

There is NO update of this package in F12 contrary to what seems to say the
spec file.
There should be at least 4 updates since 10/29/2009.

Its been built but not pushed. The reason for it not being pushed is because there are a number of package dependencies that need to be tagged into override to get a complete set of updates and that takes time, add into that timezones and the fact I'm travelling extends it further. Oh and there's been a package rename as part of it as well.
> He is cc'ed on this mail. Btw. in general it is best to
> directly ask the maintainers. They can be reached at
> <package-name>-owner@fedoraproject.org

I thought it was an infrastructure problem, not a packager problem.

Nope. Its neither. It should be heading out  before long.
