On Thu, Jun 1, 2023 at 2:36 PM Demi Marie Obenour <demiobenour@gmail.com> wrote:

Why is a Flatpak a better choice for LibreOffice?
Demi Marie Obenour (she/her/hers)

There are a lot of ways to answer this, but from any upstream the advantage of Flatpak is that it means package once and then deploy everywhere. So it saves them work. 

From a Fedora perspective there is of course nobody telling anyone to not maintain LibreOffice as RPMS or as a Fedora flatpak going forward, but even if nobody does we have a good option available in the Flathub package, especially with the Flathub package not being verified as the official package of upstream LibreOffice.

Having things as Flatpaks is also of value for us to enable long term efforts such as Fedora Silverblue.

Hope this answers your question.
