2014-03-21 10:02 GMT+01:00 Jaroslav Reznik <jreznik@redhat.com>:
> KDE should not be a top level Product. In my opinion, Fedora should only
> produce the currently listed 3 Products and not more. Otherwise we get
> back at square 1 where we have too many offerings and nobody knows what
> makes a supported Fedora.
> Kubuntu is to Ubuntu now.

I really can't agree with only three products doctrine forever.

Yeah, something like OLPC (not packaging of existing software, but actually designing the OLPC OS) should be definitely be a Product in Fedora.next.  So far I'm unconvinced about KDE—but then I haven't seen the proposal :)
Also this high bar leads to another question - exactly opposite to the
escalation of spin to product. What if one of multiple products stops to
fulfil these high bar standards?

When we say that there should be "high bar" for becoming a Fedora Product, that means that there should be few of them, with resources commensurate with the significant attention such products will receive.  I'm afraid it doesn't imply "high bar" of quality—we have way too many small regressions and unfixed bugs in the shipped product to claim that, and within a volunteer organization, no practical way to change that.

Yes, the situation of having too few contributors or really bad quality of a Product could happen—and in such a situation it would be perfectly reasonable to drop that Product.  OTOH when I see how much some motivated individuals can accomplish, we don't need that many to keep the products presentable, and I'm not worried that the primary Products will be that starved for manpower and attention any time soon.