On Fri, 2020-12-04 at 16:11 +0100, Marius Schwarz wrote:


as you may have heared, Fedora is now running on Pinephone and other devices, that need bleeding edge versions to function.
Are bleeding edge of all packages needed ? If not I wonder if just budiling what needs to be bleeding edge in a COPR overlay on top of a stable release would work. This would give you a stable base to work on and a lot of control over what goes on top of it, including downgrading packages and applying custom not-yet-upstream patches.

You could of course at the same time make sure all the bits and pieces land in Rawhide, so that when you switch your COPR overlay baseline to the next Fedora stable release, less custom package versions are needed. Rinse and repeat until no overlay packages are needed. :)

Status of Fedora Pine as of 15:15 CET

Cams now working, but app needs rework
Mobile INET working
WIFI working
Touch working
SMS working
GPS working
Calls partly, "calls app" does not connect to pulseaudio.
Headphones ( sort of )
Mali400 GPU support working ( MPV rulez )

and with Gnome(38) instead of Phosh..  no window problems! Big Thanks to 
Nice, very good progress! :)

I really need to try the latest Fedora image on my Pinephone when I have some time. :)

O== my request

In the last 3 days alone several updates ( i.e. bind-libs, gnome-shell 40~alpha ) caused a lot of bugs and needed to be downgraded directly from koji,
by first finding & downloading them with wget ( because of the slow wifi and dependency checks, direct http links work ofcourse ), and later downgraded with
dnf, which is so to speak, a pain in the ass. Of course, the best way to handle it would be, if the os compenents came from stable repos, so that these problems do not happen. But as i said, bleeding edge is needed atm.

Is it possible to keep at least the last version of a package around in rawhide repo, to make dnf downgrade work? That would ease a lot of this pain.

I know that there is a native koji tool to handle rawhide, but i must say, that won't work in most cases. Let me explain:

Pine has announced to open stores in the US and Canada, because of the huge amount of requests for a pinephone. As it looks, this phone, as cheap as it compontants are, fills a gap of some kind. Therefor we will have much more user using it, and (i hope i can help with it) will use Fedora with Gnome-Shell.
Phosh is more like Android, it has it charm, but tbh I, and people I showned it to,  love they way gnome-shell handles stuff.

We "may" get them to downgrade stuff with dnf, but that needs to be as simple as it could.

best regards,
Marius Schwarz

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