Sorry, I didn't mean to implement this specific solution. That was only meant as example that the issue is known. I meant it more generic, any solution for the user that can be included in the repos or rpmfusion, so that it remains managed by dnf to ensure testing and updating. Such as we have it with nvidia. I was wondering as the 8811CU seems widespread.

On 01/07/2022 01:39, Naheem Zaffar wrote:

On Thu, 30 Jun 2022, 23:50 Christopher Klooz, <> wrote:
It seems that Fedora does not support the Realtek RTL8811CU for WiFi. A
user at ask.Fedora just had the issue. `lsusb` classifies it just as
"Bus 001 Device 010: ID 0bda:c811 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 802.11ac
NIC"; correspondingly, `nmcli` does not recognize it at all.

A bug report with some improvised interim-solutions seems to already
exist , the most
widespread solution seems to be
(but unknown maintenance).

Is it known why the 8811CU remains unsupported? Or have I missed something?


Fedora does not include out of tree kernel modules. To get it into fedora, the module will need to be included in the upstream kernel.

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